This list contains contact information on over 6611 Physiotherapists in and around Canada such as Saskatchewan and Nunavut. Our Physiotherapists in Canada Database is a helpful resource to effortlessly connect with new businesses. Downloading our database will enable you to locate the best Physiotherapists for your specific requirements.
This database reflects the most current Physiotherapists List as of June 2023.Our information is kept up to date with the latest public records such as web and phone directories. We ensure we gather as much accessible information as possible. Information is supplied as a Microsoft Excel file so it compatible with most business databases. The accuracy of the list is dependent upon the sources that we have used. It is presented in a clear and organised format, which allows you to quickly identify the information that you need.
The table below is a breakdown of the number of businesses available in each Province and Postal Code, containing the actual count from the Physiotherapists Database.
Category | Category Count | Province | Province Count |
Osteopaths | 380 | AB | 432 |
Osteopathy | 910 | BC | 833 |
Physiotherapists | 4191 | MB | 154 |
Physiotherapists & Physical Rehabilitation | 1081 | NB | 127 |
Physiotherapy Equipment | 49 | NL | 56 |
NS | 210 | ||
ON | 2281 | ||
PE | 15 | ||
QC | 1865 | ||
SK | 74 | ||
YT | 5 | ||
Email Count | 1248 | ||
Emails Missing | 5363 | ||
Phone Count | 6584 | ||
Fax Count | 1242 | ||
Website Count | 3993 | ||
Address Count | 5936 | ||
Co-ordinates Count | 5897 |
The Columns of data included are as follows.
Category |
Business name |
Division |
Address |
Suburb |
Province |
Postcode |
Co-ordinates |
Phone |
Fax |
Tollfree |
Website |
Youtube |
Other Social |
This is a wonderful resource for anyone looking to start their own or improve an existing contact database of Physiotherapists in Canada. This is a perfect tool for:
- Business owners
- Directors of New Companies
- Government Agencies
- Individuals Starting a New Business
- Mailing Centres
- Marketing Managers
- Salespeople
You can instantly download this list of Physiotherapists in Canada from this website. It can be accessed using Microsoft Excel.
This list is a highly beneficial to such industries as:
- Office Equipment Suppliers
- Job Recruitment Agencies
- Occupational Health and Safety Assessors
- Office Supply Companies
- Finance Companies
- Advertising Providers
- Computer Stores
- Specialist Software Developers
You can download the database instantly from this website.Core List provides customers with protection and peace of mind, by supplying legally obtained public information.Trust Core List: The comprehensive and reliable Canadian database.
very accurate
This list was accurate and I got some best results for my business.
It Boast my Business
This tool baost my business contact here in Burlington. I am sure this will work to you. try this
not bad
I get to borrow this from a friend. A must have.